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Thank you for your submission!

As promised and to thank you, use the code " AVENT5 " to take advantage of 5€ offered on your next order.

Happy New Year's Eve!🎉

Getting to know you better

The purpose of this survey is to help us understand your expectations so that we can always offer you more choices and improve our service. Answering it will not take more than 3 minutes and you will get a 5€ coupon as a thank you. Your answers are confidential and anonymous. 😁

1. Sexe
2. Âge

Please complete the field.

3. Quel est votre statut professionnel ?
4. Dans quel département habitez-vous?

Please complete the field.

Best meet your expectations

5. Depuis quand utilisez-vous Alorsfaim ?
6. Combien de fois utilisez-vous l’application Alorsfaim ?
7. What are your favorite specialties?
8.Connaissez-vous notre supermarché ?

Please complete the field.


Best meet your expectations

9. Pourquoi commandez-vous sur Alorsfaim ?
10. According to you, what are the major problems encountered on the application?
11. Avez-vous un lien familiale avec l’Asie ?
12. How did you find out about Sofaim?

Please complete the field.

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